In Review
A. Myers, B.S. Martin, J.S. Yonenaga, and M.G. Weber. Convergent Evolution of Leaf Domatia: A Global Assessment of Plant-Mite Mutualism and its Ecological Drivers.
B.S. Martin and M.G. Weber. 2024. Stochastic Character Mapping of Continuous Traits on Phylogenies. bioRxiv (10.1101/2024.08.12.607655)
B.S. Martin. 2024. New Phylogenetic Comparative Approaches for Studying Variation in Rates of Continuous Trait Evolution (doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University). ProQuest Dissertation and Theses (31335844)
M.L. Robinson, P.G. Hahn, B.D. Inouye, … [ 107 authors ] …, B.S Martin, … [ 75 authors ] …, L.N. Zehr, Z. Zhong, and W.C. Wetzel (AKA the Herbivory Variability Network). Plant Size, Latitude, and Phylogeny Explain Variability in Global Herbivory. Science 382(6671): 679-683 (10.1126/science.adh8830)
B.S. Martin, G.S. Bradburd, L.J. Harmon, and M.G. Weber. 2023. Modeling the Evolution of Rates of Continuous Trait Evolution. Systematic Biology 72(3): 590-605 (10.1093/sysbio/syac068)
E.T. Miller and B.S. Martin. 2022. Distilling Complex Evolutionary Histories with shiftPlot. bioRxiv (10.1101/2022.03.16.484646)